
Pallas Projects collaborates with artists and groups, placing a particular emphasis on early-career, emerging artists and recent graduates, experimental or overlooked practices.

Artist-Initiated Projects (AIP) is a highly accessible open-submission programme, presented in a peer-led, supportive environment. It is designed to be dynamic, quick and responsive to reflect what artists are currently making. Periodical Review (2011–present) sets out to consider, revisit and review current movements within contemporary art practices from around Ireland to facilitate and encourage new readings, collaboration, crossover and debate.

This core programme is contextualised alongside collaborative and international projects.

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Future Generation Art Prize 2019—Deadline extended

Pallas Projects are happy to once again take part as a partner platform for the biannual Future Generation Art Prize – the only prize for the young generation of artists with a global dimension and guided by an open, free, and democratic application process.

Oscar Fouz López—Pickled Chimp Ears

Oscar Fouz López's most recent work is influenced by the life of Alexander von Humboldt, an 18th Century German scientist, geographer and explorer. Humboldt traveled the world, visiting countries as diverse as the U.S., Peru and Russia, observing and describing their landscapes, and scientifically analyzing nature.

Pat Byrne—Between the Hawthorns

Pat Byrne's practice explores superstitions and folklore as he takes mythological humanoids and fairies and attempts to portray them in a more realistic and contemporary fashion through oil paintings, wanting to render them as somebody who could possibly pass us by on the street.

Nasty Women Dublin

Nasty Women is a global art movement that serves to demonstrate solidarity among artists who identify with being a Nasty Woman in the face of threats to roll back women’s rights, individual rights, and abortion rights

PP/S 20 Year Anniversary Benefit Auction—15 September 2016

Pallas Projects/Studios with The Irish Georgian Society and Whyte’s present:20 Year Benefit Auction of Contemporary Art

Pallas Projects—Editions

Pallas Projects/Studios celebrates 20 Years with the announcement of several major projects

Art in Solidarity—exhibition in aid of ‘The Jungle’ refugee camp, Calais

We are developing new ways for people earn for themselves, thereby restoring to them some kind of autonomy. One of our core tenets is to act in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in the camp. #solidaritynotcharity.

Haptic Press

An interactive exhibition of eleven print-based artists who take over a gallery space and put art on the wall and on the floor so people can come and look and touch it.

James Moran and Stephane Bena Hanly—Atom Tick: An Experimental Comedy Show

Atom Tick is a presentation for you, the audience, in which we, the presenters, make you want not what you think you want, but what we think we can make you think we want you to want. It’s not about what you want, it’s about what we want you to want.

Open House—Missing Green walking tour & screenings

Anne Maree Barry's film Missing Green is a poetic journey through Cork Street, Dublin.

PP/S Gala Benefit Auction with Whyte’s at the Irish Georgian Society

The non-profit art space Pallas Projects/Studios has been breaking new ground for art projects all over Dublin since its inception in 1996, recent cuts however have cut deep at this artist-run institution’s capacity to continue developing opportunities for Irish contemporary art and the work of new artists.

NCAD MFA—Between Here and There

Between Here and There, a group exhibition of 1st year MFA students from NCAD takes place in the Project Space at PP/S, 22nd – 24th May
