
Pallas Projects collaborates with artists and groups, placing a particular emphasis on early-career, emerging artists and recent graduates, experimental or overlooked practices.

Artist-Initiated Projects (AIP) is a highly accessible open-submission programme, presented in a peer-led, supportive environment. It is designed to be dynamic, quick and responsive to reflect what artists are currently making. Periodical Review (2011–present) sets out to consider, revisit and review current movements within contemporary art practices from around Ireland to facilitate and encourage new readings, collaboration, crossover and debate.

This core programme is contextualised alongside collaborative and international projects.

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Brendan Earley — Arrival

“Perhaps a lot of the high expectations had a lot to do with some very strong undercurrents in Modernism, found, often as not in its Utopian ideals. The block of flats where the installation will be built comes from these high ideals, built in the late sixties this building project was seen as a solution”.

Curated Projects
Killinarden Short Shorts

Killinarden Short Shorts a film-making project by artists Mark Cullen and Brian Duggan of Pallas Studios.  The Killinarden Short Shorts project involved the production of a series of eight short digital films made by young people from Killinarden, Tallaght.

Garrett Phelan—NOW:HERE

‘NOW:HERE’ is the first in a series of new projects by Phelan focusing on Collective Belief Systems. What are Collective Belief Systems? These Systems are the laws, morals, ideas and beliefs within society that its citizens subscribe to, such as politics, law, religion, science and culture.

Curated Projects

‘NOW:HERE’ is the first in a series of new projects by Phelan focusing on Collective Belief Systems. What are Collective Belief Systems? These Systems are the laws, morals, ideas and beliefs within society that its citizens subscribe to, such as politics, law, religion, science and culture.

Curated Projects
Fresh Fruit

‘Fresh Fruit…’ are a collection of artists who have exhibited with Pallas in the past and are familiar with the intense particular location of Sean Tracey House.

Curated Projects