
Pallas Projects collaborates with artists and groups, placing a particular emphasis on early-career, emerging artists and recent graduates, experimental or overlooked practices.

Artist-Initiated Projects (AIP) is a highly accessible open-submission programme, presented in a peer-led, supportive environment. It is designed to be dynamic, quick and responsive to reflect what artists are currently making. Periodical Review (2011–present) sets out to consider, revisit and review current movements within contemporary art practices from around Ireland to facilitate and encourage new readings, collaboration, crossover and debate.

This core programme is contextualised alongside collaborative and international projects.

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Book launch—Permanent Recession: a Handbook on Art, Labour and Circumstance

Join us for the launch of Permanent Recession: a Handbook on Art, Labour and Circumstance, a new enquiry into the capitals and currencies of experimental, radical and artist-run initiatives in Australia.

Learning & Research
Periodical Review 9

Periodical Review (2011–ongoing) is a long-running curatorial project which sets out to consider, revisit and review current movements within contemporary art practices from around Ireland.

Periodical Review
small night zine—ARRANGEMENTS

35 Artists At Large experienced through screen-printed posters & letters (“Orphans”) & 6 collaborative zines.

Doireann Ní Ghrioghair—Declaration of the State Metropolis at Tara

In an age where ideology is becoming increasingly polarised, the rise of the right-wing, normalised open racism and bigotry espoused by world leaders, this way of thinking can no longer be dismissed, however bizarre sounding. Part of our 2019 Artist-Initiated Projects programme.

Part of Artist-Initiated Projects
Jonathan Mayhew—The wind steals music & brings it to me

“I’ve been thinking a lot about how fiction and reality are blurring together more and more. Fake news and alternative facts are sadly commonplace. Whatever we here first becomes a ‘truth’ even if it’s not.” Part of our 2019 Artist-Initiated Projects programme.

Part of Artist-Initiated Projects
Intentional Communities—Workshop

Dublin artist-run space Pallas Projects has invited 3 long-running European artist-run/artist-initiated organisations to Dublin to participate in a series of Workshop meetings to investigate the roles, aims of/challenges to running artist-run spaces, and to present and share views and experience on artist-run collaboration and international cooperation.

Kerry Guinan—Our Celestial Sphere

For this exhibition, Guinan is proposing relational socialist realism as a contemporary style that recognizes the economics of social relations, the socialist potential of these relations, and the manner in which capitalism obscures this potential from view. Part of our 2019 Artist-Initiated Projects programme.

Part of Artist-Initiated Projects
1iing heaney—Hyper-

Hyper- is a new body of work by 1iing heaney. Using a range of mediums from 3D animation to riso print, this exhibition considers digital space as an extension of the geological world. Part of our 2019 Artist-Initiated Projects programme.

Part of Artist-Initiated Projects
Art Club—Concurrent

Art Club presents Concurrent an exhibition comprised of seven visual artists in collaboration with Dublin based Independent Record Label Bad Soup.


SHIFTINGS is a group exhibition that explores the confrontation between ideologies both past and present.

Curated Projects
Liliane Puthod—How Long After Best Before

How Long After Best Before by Dublin-based French artist Liliane Puthod brings together new and existing works in a large-scale installation.

Part of Artist-Initiated Projects
The Queeratorial—Curated by Aoife Banks

The Queeratorial posits an inquiry into contemporary queer expression, embodiment and desire in Ireland. Presenting work from emerging artists working in a diverse range of mediums such as photography, performance, sculpture and textiles, this group exhibition addresses pressing issues surrounding gender, sexuality and race in Irish culture.

Part of Artist-Initiated Projects