
Pallas Projects collaborates with artists and groups, placing a particular emphasis on early-career, emerging artists and recent graduates, experimental or overlooked practices.

Artist-Initiated Projects (AIP) is a highly accessible open-submission programme, presented in a peer-led, supportive environment. It is designed to be dynamic, quick and responsive to reflect what artists are currently making. Periodical Review (2011–present) sets out to consider, revisit and review current movements within contemporary art practices from around Ireland to facilitate and encourage new readings, collaboration, crossover and debate.

This core programme is contextualised alongside collaborative and international projects.

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Earthbound Tales

In the making presents a taste of the future. For three weeks in February-March 2025, Pallas Projects provides an exciting platform for emerging art practices, hosting three consecutive exhibitions of new work by degree year students from IADT’s BA in Art.

Pallas for Palestine—Fundraising exhibition
Poster for the fundraising exhibition 'Pallas for Palestine' the poster has a green and red square mosaic in the centre and has the logos for the Arts Council, Pallas Projects/Studios and the Digital Hub at the bottom.

Pallas for Palestine is a fundraising exhibition featuring the work from artists in residence at the studios, the sale of which directly benefits our chosen charities; Médecins Sans Frontières and UNRWA

Space Now—Outlandish Theatre Platform & Pallas Projects
Aerial view of a concrete ground, maybe a old parking lot, where 10 people lay down on carboard in different fashions.

A series of free workshops that conceptually consider (public) space and create a response work exploring and expressing the meaning of space.

Brigid with the Liberties Weavers
Woven textile piece depicting a woman with long red hair dressed in green.

The Liberties Weavers showcases the creativity and skills of its members. The exhibition is centred around the revered figure of Brigid, Celtic goddess of fire, wisdom, and creativity.

Collective Residue—off the clock
Exhibition documentation of a white wall gallery with wooden floors and low and red lighting, a textile piece of white fabric is drapped and hung from the ceiling, photographic prints and drawings hang on the wall and a sheet of fabric painted with black ink hangs from the ceiling.

Inspired by the common experience of wearing double hats as artists and art workers at Pallas Projects/Studios: ‘residue’ expresses the spaces in-between words, roles and processes; what is visible and yet still unseen.

Art Works! 2023: Contemporary Art Auction
A yellow poster with ' Pallas Projects/Studios Presents: ART WORKS 2023! contemporary art auction' written in black.

The Art Works! 2023: Contemporary Art Auction fundraiser will help the cutting-edge arts organisation continue their mission to support grassroots arts initiatives, emerging artists and maintaining artists studios in the city.

Exquisite Moving Corpse Screening
Video still depicting two women standing in a public park, the woman in the back is about to walk on a piano rug and the other woman stands on the other end facing the camera, old red brick buildings sit in the background and a fountain sits to the right.

The Exquisite Moving Corpse decisions were made to trade the methodology from the original Surrealist drawing strategy with video making. Each invited artist made a one-minute video based on the last frame of the previous minute.

The Marian Year
White wall gallery with a wooden floor, a large tapestry of a a euro millions loto ticket in mint green andd black colours hangs between two walls and trails down the floor.

The Marian Year is a reflection on pieces of the old Ireland that provide reminders of identity in a city scrambling to forget itself.

Juncture: a place where things join

Juncture is an exhibition that brings together the artwork of a group of Pallas workers and volunteers. Each artist, with their own distinctive practice and experience of the Pallas space, cohese to create a multifaceted entity bound by this shared common space.

The Virtual Lectures by Frank Wasser—Exhibition continues this way

This is the fourth of ‘The Virtual Lectures by Frank Wasser’ — this lecture will trace the many histories of exhibition making as a means to pose a number of pertinent questions.

S A B O T A G E II : The Aftermath—PhyloCode

PhyloCode is a live 15 minute Instagram takeover performance which splices together fragments of video and audio seized from news and media broadcasting to create a visceral moving image collage. This is the second in a series of performances created solely for Pallas Projects/Studios. 

Death of the lecture – A ‘lecture-performance’ on the subject of a ‘lecture-performance’

The ‘lecture-performance’ incorporates elements of both the academic lecture and of performance in contemporary and modern art history.
