Art in Solidarity, exhibition in aid of 'The Jungle' refugee camp, 2016.


Art in Solidarity—exhibition in aid of ‘The Jungle’ refugee camp, Calais

Art sale & opening reception:
6–9pm Thursday 10th May
Exhibition runs:
Friday 11th – Saturday 12th May

All proceeds to be used directly in 'The Jungle' camp for urgent outreach work #solidaritynotcharity

We are self-organised, grass-roots, volunteer group working in ‘The Jungle’ refugee camp in Calais, Northern France. Whilst visiting the camp engaging in cultural documentation (video, music recordings and live sketching) we were struck by how many vulnerable people we met there that were not using the services provided by charities and volunteer groups.
There are many reasons for this; physical injuries that make it impossible to stand in line, vulnerability and fear of others in the camp, humiliation of queuing up for handouts and lack of knowledge.
In December 2015 we started a solidarity outreach service. This involves locating vulnerable people in the camp and providing for their needs. Basic, emergency needs such as food, clothing, fuel, bedding, communication, travel and respite accommodation are provided through our fundraising. We also link people up with medical, legal, building and youth services there and in the UK.
One of the initiatives that arose through this work is Calais Field Music whereby field recordings of musicians in the camp are sold online and the revenue paid directly to the musicians.

We are developing new ways for people earn for themselves, thereby restoring to them some kind of autonomy. One of our core tenets is to act in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in the camp. #solidaritynotcharity.
We have found that apart from the basic material items that people need to live they really want company and friendship. We have spent many hours in solidarity with them both engaging in social rituals and bearing witness to police brutality and violence.
Whilst engaging in this solidarity work artist Liam Hourican has amassed a striking portfolio of sketches of portraits of friends in the camp which forms the basis of the ‘Art in Solidarity’ show.
Over the months we have maintained relationships with people, some have made it out of the camp and some remain there. We are committed to keep accompanying these friends and to continue to provide support and solidarity wherever they may be until they have established a new, better life
The camp continues to become more and more unstable and it’s future is unknown. It is likely that it will be demolished over the next months. We feel it is very important to maintain contact with people there who may end up in the UK (their desired destination) , other clandestine camps with no services, in detention/reception centres, rough sleeping or simply missing, to track them and to offer continued support and solidarity to them.
All our travel and accommodation expenses are self-funded, so all fundraising money is used directly on helping people.

Art in Solidarity, exhibition in aid of 'The Jungle' refugee camp, 2016, installation view.


Art Sale

Thursday 12th May, 6-9pm

with LIVE MUSIC by BUENA VIBRA, an exciting new international Latin Jazz trio, comprised of bass guitarist Lucas González (Argentina) multi-percusssionist Frailán Morán Mendive (Cuba) and Vibraphonist Richard O’Donnell (Ireland).