Peter O'Kennedy, Situation, 2009, image courtesy of the artist.


Peter O'Kennedy—Situation

6–8pm, Friday 30th January
Exhibition runs:
Saturday 31st – Saturday 28th February

O’Kennedy is a Dublin-based artist who’s work mostly sets up combinations of movement and chance, whether in video or kinetic installations, or sometimes a hybrid of the two. Situation presents the viewer with an unstable sense of the audience and the performer, both within the internal structure of the work and in relation to the audiences’ presence in the work. It plays on a notion which is in flux, that of the audience member as witnessing the piece; being part of the piece; and being the subject of the piece.

In the spirit of absurd theatre, Situation continues O’Kennedy’s grappling with tensions resulting from struggle, striving and purposefulness in the face of a seemingly absurd and random world. Situation takes the form of a generic sitcom but erases all action, leaving only the set, the theatre seats and a disembodied laugh track. In a departure from his previous works where movement has been central to the piece, here presence and absence become the fulcrum of the work, where the movement is largely realised by the action of viewing by the situated attendee.

This exhibition marks the beginning of a third year of programming at Pallas Contemporary Projects. PCP was set up to foster artistic exchanges, and to encourage artists to experiment and take risks with their practice, and to support the production of new work. By allowing an extended period of time on-site in which to test and try out ideas ahead of their public exhibition, and due to the idiosyncratic specifics of our gallery space, this has resulted in the production of many artworks and projects that would not have otherwise been realised.

Peter O'Kennedy, Situation, 2009, image courtesy of the artist.


Peter O’Kennedy graduated with a Masters in Visual Arts Practice from IADT, Dublin, in 2008. His most recent solo exhibition was Tracking Beacon NY 12508, at 92, St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin, in 2008. He exhibited Lost Luggage, a kinetic installation for Fringe Festival, Georges Dock, Dublin, Ireland, 2007 and Jonny Axelsson performing Akrodha, a performance and video screening at The Baroque Chapel, Royal Hospital Kilmainham, Dublin, Ireland, 2006.