E.S.P. TV at PP/S
Event runs:
Saturday 15th September
Last Days of 1984, Jinx Lennon, Valerie Francis, Bloodyends, Gretta Gunn, Gar Cox, Smilin’ Kanker, Fergus Byrne, Interviews with Alan Lambert director of T.E.O.T.E.I.M.H and Campbell & McGowan of Loitering Theatre/Drones, short selection from Alan Butler, Darklight selection & interviews, and special guest host Big Chief Random Chaos
All recorded live for broadcast on NYC TV
As part of the exhibition Were is the here if the here is in there? Scott Kiernan and Victoria Keddie of E.S.P. TV have been invited to produce one of their renowned analogue TV shows at Pallas Projects/Studios. This episode will consider the E.S.P. TV ethos within our increasingly digital existence. There will also be contributions from several bands, artists, performers and electronic manipulators.
E.S.P. TV is a nomadic showcase of primarily NYC-based experimental music, video art and performance formed out of Louis V.E.S.P. Episodes are taped in a variety show format with rotating guest hosts in front of a live audience. The process involves live green-screening, signal manipulation and analog video mixing. The entire night is recorded to VHS and edited into half hour episodes for airing on cable TV in New York City.
Previous episodes have been taped in various locations including Present Company, The Schoolhouse, 285 Kent and Roulette (Brooklyn, NY), Liminal Space (Oakland), Queens Nails Projects (San Francisco), Millennium Film Workshop (New York City) as a part of INDEX Festival, and General Public (Berlin).

E.S.P. TV at PP/S
Saturday 12th September, NYC TV
Admission is €10
Limited tickets available on the night
Pre-bookings taken at info@pallasprojects.org
For more on E.S.P. TV see: www.esptvnyc.com/