Automatic—Auto Italia South East, London & Pallas Projects, Dublin
6–8pm, Friday 24th October
Exhibition runs:
Saturday 25th October – Saturday 21st November
Karl Burke, Alicia Frankovich, Candice Jacobs, Gereon Krebber, Ruth Proctor, Linda Quinlan, Berndnaut Smilde. Curated by Gavin Murphy & Chris Fite-Wassilak
Auto Italia South East, London 09/09/2009—26/09/2009
Pallas Projects, Dublin 24/10/2009—21/11/2009
I walk into the large open room, something occurs independently of volition or control. A certain muscular action, involuntary. I dig the heels of my hands hard into my eyes. Milky spots, pinpoints of light.
A pinhole camera, erected at Lake St. Clair, Tasmania, constructed in an attempt to simulate a comet. A sculptural soundtrack, invisible spheres of sound, floating between a suspended ventilation system transforming the gallery’s air. A series of found objects, acted upon and left as a sort of carcass in the aftermath of the event. An assemblage of shimmering intentionalities.
Automatic is a two-part international group show of works that confront and insinuate themselves with the viewer. Attempting to question what might be innate or instinctual, each artist works within our daily experiences that lie beyond conscious decisions. Automatic explores contemporary art practices of temporary consoli-dations, cumulative processes that condense before dispersing. Presenting work that stretches out to the viewer with an immediacy that points beyond itself, Automatic sketches out the persistent, ghostly sensory circuit between the artist, artwork and audience.
Curated by artist Gavin Murphy and curator and critic Chris Fite-Wassilak, Automatic was first exhibited in Auto Italia South East, London, before being reconfigured for Pallas Contemporary Projects. A free publication with an essay by the curators will be available for the exhibition.
This two-part exhibition, developed in association with Auto Italia South East has been kindly supported by Mondriaan Foundation, Culture Ireland, and Goethe-Institut. Auto Italia is supported by the Arts Council England and Chelsea Arts Club Trust. Pallas Contemporary Projects is funded by the Arts Council and Dublin City Council.