Jessica Conway

Jessica Conway is a multi-media artist working primarily with sound, text and moving-image as a means of investigating language, narrative and the voice. Of late her practice has paid particular attention to speech and how the signified shifts with variations in intonation, rhythm, volume, and repetition.  Alongside a strong focus on the gestural aspects of voice - syntactical arrangements and sequences such as the sentence, numerical ordering, the alphabet, and the mediating framework of the artwork itself are paid attention to.  Playing with alternative orderings that extract particularities of a given space or duration compositions often employ rhythm, rhyme and repetition as structural devices.

Jessica Conway graduated with an MA in Visual Arts Practice from Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art Design and Technology in 2011 and a BA in 2010. Recent exhibitions include None Went Mad None Ran Away, The Rubicon Gallery, Dublin, 2012; Phibsborough Community Arts Festival, Dublin 2012; 2 Rooms, The Market Studios, Dublin 2011; Uncanny Sound, Tactic, Cork, 2011; Redundant, Block T, 2011; Public Gesture, The Lab Gallery, Dublin, 2011.


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