Opening reception:
6–8pm Wednesday 15th June
Exhibition runs:
Thursday 16th June – Saturday 25th June
TOGETHER/INDESCRIBABLE is an exhibition of work by Eveleen Murphy, Marilyn Gaffney and Elizabeth Lyne, and marks the first time that these three artists have shown together as a group.
Fundamentally, the exhibition aims to present a combined perspective on a mode of art-making which could defined as ‘indescribable’. Indeed, central to both the curatorial and thematic concept of the exhibition is the notion that the three artists’ practices are bound together by a particular form of material abstraction, one that conjures a somewhat primary, transcendental experience on the part of the viewer.
The curatorial process, largely realised in the immediacy of the installation of the work, has focused on determining reciprocal areas of overlap and exploration. While it is apparent that all three artists place importance on materiality or the physicality of the medium used, the intention has been to adopt a more critically searching, manifold approach to aligning concepts and shared meaning in the work. On a related level, this approach also seeks to pose questions around collective decision-making processes.
TOGETHER/INDESCRIBABLE Is part funded by Cavan Arts Office