Periodical Review #3
6–8pm, Friday 6th December 2013
Exhibition runs:
Saturday 7th December 2013 – Saturday 25th January 2014
Terence Birch, Martina Galvin, Gemma Gore, Ramon Kassam, Paraic Leahy, Maggie Madden, Eoin McHugh, Paul McKinley, Bea McMahon, Dennis McNulty, Yvette Monahan, Laura Ni Fhlaibhin, Alan Phelan, Alex Rose, Padraig Spillane, Jason Thompson, Helena Tobin, Kathy Tynan, Maria Vedder, Freek Wambacq
Selected by Michele Horrigan, Matt Packer, Mark Cullen & Gavin Murphy
An artwork, like a book is not made up of individual words on a page (or images on a screen), each of which with a meaning, but is instead ‘caught up in a system of references to other books, other texts, other sentences’.*
Pallas Projects/Studios presents the third Periodical Review at their studios and project space in Dublin’s historic area of The Coombe. This unique, yearly survey of Irish contemporary art practices, looks at commercial gallery shows, museum exhibitions, artist-led and independent projects and curatorial practices.
Periodical Review is not a group exhibition per se, it is a discursive action, with the gallery as a magazine-like layout of images that speak (the field talking to itself). An exhibition as resource, in which we invite agents within the field to engage with what were for them significant moments, practices, works, activity, objects: nodes within the network.
Each year PP/S invite two peers – artists, writers, educators, curators – to review and subsequently nominate a number of art practices, which will be selected via an editorial meeting. Such a review-type exhibition within Irish art practice acts to revisit, be a reminder, a critical appraisal and consolidation of ideas and knowledge within the field of contemporary Irish art. Additionally, the exhibition has a fundraising element, with all commission on sales going towards the PP/S curated programme.
The exhibition is intended to act as a critical account of current contemporary practice; to facilitate and encourage collaboration, crossover and debate within the field of Irish contemporary art (through the invited co-curators, the aims of its selection, and discussion around it); to act as an accessible survey of contemporary art, expanding parameters to art practices around the country.
Such a review-type exhibition within Irish art practice acts to revisit, be a reminder, a critical appraisal and consolidation of ideas and knowledge within the field of contemporary Irish art. Previous co-curators have been Ruth Carroll (RHA), Carl Giffney (Good Hatchery), Eamonn Maxwell (Director, Lismore Castle Arts), Padraic E. Moore (Independent curator).
* Michel Foucault, The Archaeology of Knowledge

Friday 6th Decemebr, 5.20pm, before the exhibition opening in Fallons
Freek Wambacq will visit Dublin, and will move his Galloping Horses from Askeaton’s Ranahan’s Bar to Fallons, The Capstan Bar. Halved coconuts are the material this time, and Wambacq will hold an informal chat with artist Sean Lynch.
Date to be announced
As part of Periodical Review Dennis McNulty will reconfigure elements from a performance first created for Performa 11, as The Eyes of Ayn Rand, and reconfigured as The Face of Something New, for the Scriptings showroom in Berlin 2013.

Michele Horrigan is an artist and curator. She studied fine art at the Stadelschule, Frankfurt and the University of Ulster. Since 2006, she is founder and curatorial director of Askeaton Contemporary Arts. Through an annual residency and production programme, the organisation has commissioned over forty artists projects in direct relationship to the town of Askeaton, County Limerick.
Matt Packer is a curator based in Cork. From 2008 to 2013, he was Curator of Exhibitions & Projects at the Lewis Glucksman Gallery, Cork. In 2013, he curated and directed a season of exhibitions at Treignac Projet, France. Matt is a graduate of the curatorial programme at Goldsmiths College, London, and a member of IKT: The International Association of Curators of Contemporary Art.
Periodical Review #3 is an unfunded initiative of Pallas Projects/Studios. All commissions on sales go back into the exhibition programme, and supports the development of new projects by Irish artists.