
Open Call 2019: Artist-Initiated Projects at PP/S

Guidelines and Entry Form available now

Pallas Projects/Studios' Artist-Initiated Projects, is an Arts Council funded, open-submission, annual gallery programme that is highly accessible to artists, presented in the context of an established gallery space with a dedicated tradition towards the development of artists in a peer-led, supportive environment. Its focus is on early/mid career, emerging artists and recent graduates, who demonstrate their potential with the quality of their work, and their ambition to challenge and test their practice in the public realm. A relatively short turnaround time of 3–9 months, allows the programme to be responsive, reflect what artists are currently making, and encourages experimentation and risk-taking.

Submissions from visual artists are now sought via open call for up to 10 x 3-week exhibitions, between February–November 2019. Solo, 2-person, collaborative and group exhibitions will be considered, and we welcome projects/bodies of work that are completed/near completion, or work in progress with clearly expressed outcomes, across all contemporary visual art forms. This programme of self-directed projects will receive an artists fee/production budget, publicity, invigilation and other supports. Artists are asked to include in their proposal an outreach aspect which considers different audiences/communities of interest, such as but not limited to: events, workshops, talks, performances, and accompanying texts. Gallery visits by colleges and local schools will be arranged, and artists are assisted in aspects such as inviting curators, and documenting their work.

Pallas Projects/Studios is one of Ireland's longest running artist-run spaces, providing opportunities for emerging and mid-career artists to develop and exhibit new work. PP/S have established a nationwide and international reputation among artists and organisations, and a public profile through successful exhibitions, publishing, collaborations, partnerships, and education programmes for schools.

Artist-Initiated Projects at PP/S is funded by The Arts Council.

Submissions are free, and guidelines and submission forms are now available from our website. Deadline for submissions is Wednesday 21st November 2018 at 5pm.

What the artist gets:

Artists fee/production budget of €500 for solo and 2-person exhibitions, €1000 for group exhibitions

All rental and associate gallery costs paid, insurance, invigilation, printed and online ads, publicity and sponsored social media, professional documentation, talk fees, inclusion in exhibition fold-out posters

How to apply:

Applicants should fill in the accompanying application form, and return to info@pallasprojects.org with the exact subject line: Artist-Initiated Submissions 2019

including the following:

For individuals: 1 x Word Document/PDF including: maximum 1 page of text outlining your proposal including a proposed event/outreach aspect; a brief biog (250 words); a maximum of 6 images; max 1 link to video/audio work; CV including any recent/forthcoming shows.

For 2-person or Groups: 1 x Word Document/PDF including: maximum 1 page of text outlining your proposal including a proposed event/outreach aspect; group & individual biogs (1page total); maximum of 10 images; max 2 links to video/audio work; CV of artists including any recent/forthcoming shows; and CV of curator/coordinator if applicable.

Further info on the Artist-Initiated Programme at PP/S:

The programme aims to provide a platform for artists to produce and exhibit work of merit across all visual art forms and media; to further the opportunities for the artist's practice and career as an outcome of the exhibition; to develop audiences for the artist; and develop new audiences for contemporary art and artist-led practice. The Artist-Initiated programme at PP/S aim to act as an incubator for early careers, and support artists' practices at crucial stages.

The artist-initiated programme demonstrates the value of – and very real need for – an accessible gallery programme for artists to take part in short-run exhibitions with a relatively short turnaround time of 3–6 months, and with a focus on emerging and underrepresented artists. This model is an alternative to the normal institutional/commercial model, where the process of studio visit to exhibition can take several years. As such, emerging artists with productive studio practices can have difficulty in securing solo exhibitions in established venues, and reaching new audiences, both professional and public. Shorter lead-in times allow the programme to be quick and responsive, reflect what artists are currently making, and encourages experimentation and risk-taking. These artist-initiated exhibitions put the artist and their ideas at the heart of the programme.

Please note: Projects will be selected through a competitive open call process, and will be selected by Pallas Projects/Studios. Successful artists will be notified and offered dates. The dates requested by the artist may not always be available, and artists are asked to be flexible. In the unlikely event that an artist cannot exhibit on the date offered PP/S reserves the right not to proceed with the exhibition. The decision of PP/S is final in respect of submissions. Due to the volume of applications PP/S may not be able to provide feedback. PP/S recommend that you please see our website for more information on our programme and organisation before applying.

Due to the self-directed nature of the exhibitions the programme is envisaged to be primarily aimed at artists who are Irish, and international artists living or working in Ireland, or who have studied here.