Louis Haugh, Alien Architecture, 2017, image courtesy of the artist.


Louis Haugh–Alien Architecture

Opening reception:
6–8pm Wednesday 12th April
Exhibition runs:
Thursday 13th – Saturday 22nd April

In 1907 celebrated botanist Augustine Henry gave expert advice to an Irish governmental committee. His advice was to replant Ireland’s previously deforested landscape with alien (non-native) coniferous trees. This advice was contrary to the proposed plan to replant using native broad-leaf species. More than 100 years later this legacy is made visible through the forestry industry dominating Ireland’s landscape. 

The original specimen samples, collected by Henry in Alaska are housed in the Augustine Henry Collection in The National Herbarium, Glasnevin and in themselves provide a pseudo-blueprint for our national landscape today.

Alien Architecture is a an ongoing response to both Henry’s advice and to the alien specimens found in the collection. Presenting work made over the past two years, this exhibition acts as a conduit for conversation, asking; What is a landscape when it is architected by industry?

Coinciding with the exhibition is a text written by Nathan O’Donnell who has been a conversational partner in the work over the past two years.  

With continued thanks to; Dr. Noeleen Smith & Dr. Matthew Jebb of The National Herbarium and Mella Travers of The Darkroom.