Extended Run – Sinéad Cullen – I am nothing
Opening reception:
6–8pm Wednesday 24th June
Exhibition runs:
Thursday 25th June – Saturday 4th July
I am nothing: The words describe, from one perspective, a state of emptiness, isolation and disconnection, but through meditation and conscious practices of movement and expression these same words can also describe a state of powerful connection, profound freedom and joy. This exhibition is a distillation of experiences from time spent in meditation and ritual between 2008–2014 presented in a quiet contemplative space where you are invited to take time to be with your experience of the present moment.
The overall sense of the exhibition is that our experiences of life are fleeting; present in just a moment, and then gone; everything and then nothing. It addresses the ephemeral quality of the human experience and our quest to find meaning within it.

Born in Wexford, Sinéad Cullen received a degree in architecture from DIT (1996) and an MSc. in Architecture: Environmental Studies from CAT, Wales (2008). Her design practice focused on creating symbiotically and in connection with natural living systems, but she found that in order to understand what it is to connect with our environment she needed to truly experience it on a more fundamental, emotional and spiritual level. So in 2008 she began to travel and study extensively, focusing on meditation, ritual and shamanic/indigenous ceremony in Central and South America, and India. She also began studying and practicing conscious dance, learning to understand connection somatically, through felt experience. On this journey she began to combine painting and dance, and use installation as a means to express her experiences. In her current work as a visual artist Sinéad explores themes of disconnection and the emergent languages of reconnection through a daily conscious practice of meditation and movement in combination with painting, installation and video.
In 2015 she has participated in two group exhibitions in New York: G.E.T. 1 in NYFA, Brooklyn, and Back to Life: Resurrection Reimagined in St Ann’s Church, Brooklyn. Currently Sinéad is exhibiting in HOME\SICK in the Science Gallery at Trinity College Dublin, in collaboration with Habitat for Humanity Ireland. I am nothing is her third solo exhibition.
Sinéad lives in Dublin and has a studio at Pallas Studios.