Emma Haugh, This is not that place, 2013, exhibition documentation, Photo by Emma Haugh.


Emma Haugh—This is not that place

Opening reception:
6–8pm Thursday 25th April
Exhibition runs:
Friday 26th – Sunday 28th April

This is not that place is a point of slippage, a fragmentary archive of queer knowledge and intimacy, gathered together through random, instinctive encounters and processes of relational otherness. Photographs, texts and interventions straddle spheres of lived experience and the imagination.

Generated via compulsive collaboration, conversation and improvisation - form is pliant - from installation, to web, to print based media and ephemera. Driven by something yet unknown this is not that place suggests presence, something other that is simultaneously recognizable and strange.

Using the language of cultural histories - the archive, biography, photographic portraiture, descriptive accounts and interviews the collected objects offer something that might be missing or lost. Playing with tropes of mythology, iconography and engaging with the aesthetics of club culture this is not that place opens out to a liminal eroticism that wishes itself into existence via the limitations of imagination and desire.

Publication download

Emma Haugh, This is not that place, 2013, exhibition documentation, Photo by Emma Haugh.


This is not that place – Collaborative performance

Sunday 28th April, 2pm sharp–3.30pm 

Collaborative performance with Emma Haugh, Moira Brady Averill, Annie Gill and Kelly Shatter of Goose

Performance recording

Emma Haugh, This is not that place, 2013, exhibition documentation, Photo by Emma Haugh.


Emma is an Irish artist based in Dublin and working internationally. Upcoming exhibitions include BERGHAIN at AKA gallery Kreuzburg, Berlin (2012-2013) and In The Black at The Black Mariah, Cork (2012). Emma was recently chosen by Matt Packer of The Lewis Glucksman Gallery, Cork for a two person exhibition in The Black Mariah scheduled for 2013. Emma recently completed a three month residency with Platform Arts in Vaasa, Finland culminating in the exhibition An Object of Desire Already Lost (Sept. 2012) a book of the same title was published alongside the exhibition and will be included in the Temple Bar Gallery Art Book Fair (2012).

Other projects and residencies include  - Engage 2012; Artist led residency (core organizer) a collaboration between several international artists and arts organizations in Eastern Europe, Bucharest Air, Bucharest, Romania (2012) - Studio Artist Residency award at Commonplace Projects Dublin (2010-2011) - BERGHAIN (commissioned exhibition) Commonplace Projects(2011) -  (Aerial Blue and Palanquin Stills curated by The Good Hatchery (2011) - Without A Trace - destroying the archive (solo exhibition) The Joinery Gallery Dublin (2009) and Various Deaths , The Gallery of Photography, Dublin (2010).
