Elaine Grainger / Michele Hetherington—Time is not a line
Opening reception:
6–8pm Wednesday 27th July
Exhibition runs:
Thursday 28th – Saturday 29th July
‘Time is not a line’ an exhibition of works by visual artists Elaine Grainger and Michele Hetherington both currently studying for their Masters in Fine Art at NCAD.
Text accompanying exhibition by Danny Felix Kelly
The idea for this exhibition has materialised through a continuous dialogue on the areas of convergence within their practices. Both artists approach the subject of place and time through line. Hetherington attempts to extend the ephemeral moments by stretching out and looping real lived time. Grainger creates work exploring the atmosphere of our present where repetition can be seen as a sign of boredom but that it can also be a moment of bliss. The exhibition proposes to make visible this shared fascination; that the line is a series of now points. The artists see their work as individual moments in time, but when presented accumulatively it transforms into one vast singular continuum.
The artists work across a range of media including painting, photography, installed sound/ video and sculptural work. This exhibition seeks to explore the parallels that bind the pursuits of both artists.

Elaine Grainger Is a visual artist, curator and founder of Talbot Gallery & Studios, Dublin. Grainger studied Design Communication at IADT, Dublin graduating in 1994 and is currently pursuing an MFA in NCAD.
Her work attempts to interpret memory situated in line and space, often manipulated, reconstituted and borrowed. Through her work she seeks to transmit visually and symbolically a given moment in time, situated in colour, texture and materiality. Whilst engaging intuitively with scale, materials and the processes of making, it is her intention to create a unique sense of balance, grace and contemplation for the world we live in.
Michele Hetherington Is a visual artist from Dublin. Studied at the National College of Art and Design, Dublin graduating from Fine Art Print in 2016 and is currently studying for her MFA in NCAD.
Her practice incorporates video, drawing and photography. Aiming to discard the ideology of a solely linear condition and prolonging that moment of ephemerality. By lagging, dating, altering and documenting time and place her work examines and challenges the thinking of our universe. Questioning how do we remember the past, how do we experience the present, and what form may the future take.