Mark Keogh
Mark Keogh is a painter and musician from Dublin who has exhibited regularly in Ireland since 1990 and whose work has been included in the RHA and Boyle arts festival. Having taken some years out from the visual arts to gain a music degree from DIT, he has returned to painting, using his time at Pallas Projects to explore new approaches and develop a looser, more experimental approach that encompasses both the figurative and abstract. Current themes that inform his practice include the motif of the wall, border and the gate as physical expressions of the psycho-political impulses of fear and dogma as well as openness and curiosity. The lone pilgrim or refugee is used as starting point and focus to examine the tension between empathy and the fear of the other. Other work delves into the strange overlap between the modern preoccupation with leisure and recreation and our ongoing environmental degradation and the undermine of natural eco-systems.
Social media:
Facebook: markkeoghart