Méadhbh O’Connor, born 1984, is an Irish installation artist and sculptor who works at the conjunction of art and science. In 2009 Méadhbh was a recipient in the Royal Dublin Society Student Art Awards and was winner of the Tyrone Guthrie Residency Bursary after she graduated with first class honours from the Institute of Art, Design and Technology (IADT), Ireland. For 2013, Méadhbh was awarded the position of Artist In Residence with the University College Dublin (UCD) College of Science. Recent shows include Unknown Shores, a solo show presented at the UCD O’Brien Centre for Science, 2014; Towards A Dialogue of the Possible, Mermaid Arts Centre, 2014; Dublin Biennial Popup, 2014, invited artist; powers + √roots, PP/S Projects, 2013 and Things in Translation, Highlanes Municipal Gallery, 2013. Forthcoming shows so far scheduled for 2015 include ‘Welcome Disturbance’, group show, The Lab, Dublin.