• Photography: Vera Ryklova ©2019
  • Ciarán O’Keeffe, I Could Have Danced All Night, life performance, The Queeratorial, 2019.
  • Photography: Vera Ryklova ©2019
  • Maïa Nunes, WAYS TO LOVE ME, life performance, The Queeratorial, 2019.


Associated Events: The Queeratorial—Curated by Aoife Banks

Venue: Pallas Projects/Studios

Admission free - All welcome - Booking required for some of the events (links provided)


The Queeratorial is a collborative project curated by Aoife Banks featuring artists Becks Butler, Andrej Getman, Jordan Hearns, Ciarán O’Keeffe, Day Magee, Maïa Nunes, Lu Saborío, Jack Scollard, Hannah Tiernan. Alongside the work in the exhibition this project also presents following events:

Thursday 20th June 2019
Preview of the exhibition
Opening Live performances

Time: 6.30pm
I Could Have Danced All Night by Ciarán O’Keeffe
Using spoken word, song and his inability to dance Ciarán O’Keeffe explores memory, loss and the importance of possibilities for hope.

Time: 7pm
WAYS TO LOVE ME by Maïa Nunes 
35 minute performance piece by Maïa Nunes with Jason Akhionbare (bass), Corneille Tshibasu (keys), and Marshall Woods (percussion). This interdisciplinary performance piece explores the legacy of emotional colonialism in contemporary love relationships and intimate power dynamics. As an immersive piece, it combines visual material with original song, sound-design and live performance elements.

Saturday 22nd June 2019
Time: 5-6pm
Ticketed event via FB event ticketing - max attendees 20
Queer Sex Ed 101 with Lu Saborío

Queer Sex Ed 101 takes you over the basics of sex and how to do it safely, with fun and consent. We will be exploring identity, sexuality, safety, contraception and toys. Come with an open mind.

Time: 6.30-7.30pm
Ticketed event via FB event ticketing - max atrendees 15
Pride Banner making workshop with Aoife Banks and Lu Saborío

Thursday 27th June 2019
Ticketed event via FB event ticketing - max attendees 25
Time: 6-7.30pm
Reading Collective: Poetry and Lit.

Through collective reading, interpretation and activation of text in the gallery space this series of reading groups will provide a space of communal pedagogy and discourse surrounding theory in affect, queer, gender, postcolonial and feminist studies. Text will be provided on the evening through print outs and links for use on smartphones. Come for the tea and biscuits, stay for the hot takes on gender and sexuality theory top 100. 

Friday 28th June 2019
Ticketed event via FB event ticketing - max attendees 10
Time: 6-7pm
Queerscape: Activate! Performative Workshop in Queering Spatiality by Aoife Banks

This workshop aims to utilise the body to activate the queerscape and, in reciprocity, the artwork within the queerscape to activate the body. Through guided stages, participants will engage with and claim the gallery space through automatic body drawing, interaction with various art objects and manipulation of the space using performative gesture and movement.

Thursday 4th July 2019
Ticketed event via FB event ticketing - max attendees 25
Time: 6-7.30pm
Theory reading collective 

Through collective reading, interpretation and activation of text in the gallery space this series of reading groups will provide a space of communal pedagogy and discourse surrounding theory in affect, queer, gender, postcolonial and feminist studies. Text will be provided on the evening through print outs and links for use on smartphones. Come for the tea and biscuits, stay for the hot takes on gender and sexuality theory top 100. 

Friday 5th July 2019
Closing Live performances

Time: 6.30pm
Keening Garden by Day Magee
Day's work explores the developmental role of shame-based trauma in the relationships of the queer sick body. In Keening Garden, the artist performs a keening, grieving his own principle patriarchal figure, his father, in direct violation of the patriarchal suppression of male emotion, sonically charging a group of quartz crystals to be “planted” in a mixture of newer soils and those collected from his father’s grave. From death may yet spring some form of life.

Time: 7pm
WAYS TO LOVE ME by Maïa Nunes
35 minute performance piece by Maïa Nunes with Jason Akhionbare (bass), Corneille Tshibasu (keys), and Marshall Woods (percussion). This interdisciplinary performance piece explores the legacy of emotional colonialism in contemporary love relationships and intimate power dynamics. As an immersive piece, it combines visual material with original song, sound-design and live performance elements.


Photography: Vera Ryklova ©2019 


Karaoke evening: Tadhg Ó Cuirrín—Lift Yourself

Time: 6-9pm Friday 7th June 2019

Venue: Pallas Projects/Studios

Admission free - All welcome - No booking required


To coincide with his exhibition Lift Yourself at Pallas Projects/Studios, Tadhg Ó Cuirrín will be joined in conversation by artist Shane Finan in discussing some of the themes of the exhibition, and any other tangential topics which may arise.  They will compliment this discussion with generous amounts of karaoke.  We invite you to join us for an evening of karaoke and singing how you feel. Kim Gordon, of Sonic Youth, said you can never have a crush on art with the same intensity of the infatuation you have for a pop song. 

This is the best chance for you to be heard.
To make your dreams manifest. To become a believer in noise. To affirm your right to be different and to turn your bad singing in to a political act.

To make that song your own.


Lift Yourself is a series of small watercolour works on paper that draw inspiration from the omnipresence of plastic as a material and a symbol, conspiracy theories, the mountainous landscape of northern Việt Nam, consumerism, the weather, the Crystal World and Mount Analogue, environmentalism, and Kanye West.

Tadhg Ó Cuirrín is an Irish visual artist and teacher based in Hà Nội, Vietnam. He received an honours degree in Fine Art, Painting in the Limerick School of Art and Design in 2009. He works in a variety of different media, has exhibited somewhat widely in the past, and has worked for a number of artist-run spaces and organisations. His work is interested in the strategies we employ to make sense of the often bewildering world around us.

Shane Finan is a visual artist from Sligo, Ireland. He holds BA in Fine Art from IT Sligo and an MSc in Interactive Digital Media from Trinity College Dublin.
Work including painting, sculpture, mixed media installation and interactive digital media in indoor and outdoor spaces. Projects engage with community, place and technology. Works influenced by the places where they are made, and by the social and cultural aspects of these place. Proud to be a member of Visual Artists Ireland, the representative body for artists in Ireland, and a constant source of support and information. www.shanefinanart.org

  • Marie Farrington, See, level 2018). Cast plaster, seawater. Image courtesy of the artist.


Gallery Walkthrough—Marie Farrington

Time: 1.00pm Saturday 25th May 2019

Venue: Pallas Projects/Studios

Admission free - All welcome - No booking required


Artist Marie Farrington will host an informal walkthrough of her current exhibition Fore, fold during which she will discuss the research behind the work, its development, and how the exhibition ties into broader concerns within her sculptural practice.

Fore, fold uses a ghost story, embedded in the history of Marsh’s Library, to unpack the exchanges between myth, language, material and place. An allusion to the Heideggerian Fourfold linking the earth, sky, divinities and mortals, Fore, fold also plays on the idea of multiplicity, an ongoing concern both in the casting processes Marie employs and in relation to the historical multiplicities that present themselves in the objects, forms and places researched.

Marie Farrington studied in DIT (BA, 2013, 1.1) and NCAD (MA, 2016, 1.1). Recent exhibitions include A Vague Anxiety, Irish Museum of Modern Art (2019); Disruptors, Highlanes Gallery (2019); RESORT Revelations, Fingal County Council Arts Office (2018); SÍM Residency, Iceland (2018); When Saying Equals Doing, an essay and performance for Cf at the Research Pavilion, Venice Biennale (solo, 2017); These Circular Ruins, Illuminations Gallery, Maynooth University (solo, 2016); In good faith they waited for gravity, RUA RED South Dublin Arts Centre (solo, 2015). Marie was recently awarded a residential studio at Fire Station Artists’ Studios (2018-2020).  Other awards include Arts Council Travel and Training Award (2018) and Visual Arts Bursary Award (2017). 

  • Leah O'Reilly. Image courtesy of the artist.
  • Ally McGrath. Image courtesy of the artist.
  • Kate Lafferty. Image courtesy of the artist.
  • Aoife Mc Donnell. Image courtesy of the artist.
  • Karoline Osaland. Image courtesy of the artist.


Common Thread—NCAD 2nd Year Textile Art and Artefact students

Ally McGrath, Aoife Mc Donnell, Karoline Osaland, Kate Lafferty, Leah O’Reilly

Exhibition preview: 6-8pm Wednesday 1st May 2019
Exhibition continues: Thursday 2nd May & Friday 3rd May 12-6pm, Saturday 4th May 10-4pm

Common Thread is an accumulation and visual presentation of thoughts and ideas beginning to form through the various styles and processes that Textile Art and Artefact allows for. Unlike many other group exhibitions, the artists involved have not worked to a collective theme but are instead tied together by their use of textiles and textile art processes. This leaves much space in which ideas can form organically through each artist’s practice independent of each other but containing a common thread.

The span of themes and ideas present in this exhibition is widely varied. Work by Ally McGrath focuses on contrasts between patient repetition through mark making and the instant gratification and lack of concentration that extensive overuse of smartphones can induce. While work by Leah O'Reilly explores modern taxidermy with focus on the display of such "trophies" and a keen interest in the colour and pattern variants present in animals. The work of Karolina Osaland looks at the theme of modern technologies and artificial intelligence through the lens of traditional textile techniques. Kate Lafferty’s work explores ideas of cultural identity and evokes questions of how we value different cultures in an age of global migration. Aoife Mc Donnell’s work takes inspiration from natural forms and structures to give a new lease of life to used, emptied materials.

Common Thread presents a view of the current ideas and processes being explored and considered by these 2ND Year TAA students as they discover and begin to shape what will be an ever changing and growing practice. Such an experience also affording them the opportunity to not only show but discuss such work.

  • Aideen Farrell, Showroom (2019). Installation shot, Arts Centre, Castlebar.
  • Photography: Vera Ryklova ©2019
  • Aideen Farrell—A Weight of Windows (2019). Artist talk at PP/S.
  • Photography: Vera Ryklova ©2019
  • Aideen Farrell—A Weight of Windows (2019). Artist talk at PP/S.


Artist Talk—Aideen Farrell

Time: 5.00pm Thursday 18th April 2019

Venue: Pallas Projects/Studios

Admission free - All welcome - No booking required


Artist Aideen Farrell will give a talk on the materials, sources, and ideas contained within her current exhibition A Weight of Windows we are showing at Pallas until the 20th April 2019. The artist talk will be followed by Q & A, giving room for questions about the work throughout.

A Weight of Windows is an installation of fleeting urban forms; signs, banners, curtains, windows, and bollards. Objects and structures in this exhibition act as blocks in space, modular pieces of construction, and plans or models. This exhibition examines temporary and makeshift ways of claiming space. It attempts to fossilise these forms and examine the artist's own urge to build, arrange and demarcate spaces.

Aideen Farrell is a Dublin based installation artist. She is graduate of the National College of Art and Design with a degree in Fine Art Painting and Visual Culture. Upon graduating in 2017 she was awarded the Fire Station Graduate Sculpture Award and highly commended in the Visual arts category of the Undergraduate Awards. She recently completed a residency with Dublin City Arts Office at St Patrick’s Lodge. Exhibitions include Showroom, a solo show at the Linenhall Arts Centre in Castlebar, and Symbiosis, recent graduate show at the Catalyst Arts Centre in Belfast. 

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